
$295.00 / month

For 7 y/o and Up.



Our curriculum is streamlined to make the journey to black belt both fun and efficient. But it will take hard work. Training two days per week is the minimum, this will encompass all drills associated with form and sparring.

Everything from agility, balance, flexibility, and speed drills are a part of this program. We foster a sense of family in our martial arts community, as you will know…” the family that kicks together, sticks together.”

Classes are Monday and Wednesday. Beginners 6:15-6:55pm. Intermediate 6:50-7:30pm. If either one of these two days are unavailable, then you may substitute it with Tuesday at the same time for your level.

Black Belts train Monday and Thursday 7:20-8pm. If either one of these two days are unavailable, you may substitute it with Wednesday at the same time.

Let’s begin Your Journey Today!