Sign Up for Classes

Registration Form

MM slash DD slash YYYY

In exchange for participation in the activity of martial arts and fitness organized by Pa Son Martial Arts, herein referred to as PSMA, I agree to the following:


I will observe and obey all posted rules and warnings, and further agree to follow any oral instructions or directions given by PSMA, or the employees, representatives, or agents of PSMA.

Please enter the facility at maximum of FIVE (5) minutes before your class begins. Should you arrive at your scheduled time and drop your child off in class, you, the caregiver, or parent) may decide to wait. Please remain in the waiting areas we have provided and do not wander about the facility or into the classrooms etc.

Please keep your child at home if they are sick. If your child has been sick, please consult with your doctor when your child may return to class. This helps us keep the children in the facility healthy. PSMA reserves the right to send a child home to get well at our discretion. For any questions, comments, or concerns,
please contact PSMA at (347) 209-2991

I realize that PSMA has permission to use any likeness in a photograph or video in its publications, including all PSMA’s printed and digital and social advertisements and publications.

Monthly payments will be automatically charged on (or around) the 1st of each month and will apply to that month of class.

Classes are non-refundable.

If a class is missed for any reason, you may make it up in any age-appropriate available class within 30 days.

Families can trade their make-up for a Guest Pass to a family member or friend that can be used only one time. Guest Pass expire one (1) month from the issue date.

The Make-up must be made up within the semester it was missed. Semesters are the months of September-December, January-May, or summer program.

Please email [email protected] or text
(347) 209-2991 twenty-four hours in advance if you need to reschedule your make up class otherwise it will still count towards your missed class.

A Guest Pass can be issued should the child be unable to make up for their absence.

Make ups cannot be applied as credit to your next month's payment


Please call PSMA at GYMTIME in case of inclement weather, that is
(212) 861-7732. If NYC public schools are closed, PSMA at GYMTIME will also be closed.

Make-up is to be made up on any of the 3 days offered. That is if the participant comes Monday and Wednesday, their make-up would be any Tuesday. If the participant comes on Monday and Tuesday their makeup would be Wednesday, and so on. However, there are no refunds or credits given for classes that are cancelled due to weather.


I/We fully understand and acknowledge that:

a. There are risks and dangers associated with participation in martial arts and fitness events and activities which could result in bodily injury.

b. These risks and dangers may be caused by the action, inaction or negligence of the participant or the action, inaction or negligence of others, including, but not limited to, the Releasees named below.

c. There may be other risks not known to us or are not reasonably foreseeable at this time.

I/WE accept and assume such risks and responsibility for the losses and/or damages following such injury, disability, paralysis, however caused and whether caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the Releasees named below.

I/We HEREBY RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE PSMA, or the space, or facility used by the participant, including its owners, managers, lessees of premises used to conduct the martial arts or fitness event or program, from all liability to the undersigned, my/our personal representatives, assigns, executors, heirs and next to kin for any and all claims, demands, losses or damages and any claims or demands therefore on account of any injury, including but not limited to the injury of the participant or damage to property, arising out of or relating to the events(s) caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the releasee or otherwise.

On behalf of the participant and individual, the undersigned partners(s) and/or legal guardian(s) for the minor participant executes this Waiver and Release. If, despite the release, the participant makes a claim against any of the Releasees, the parents(s) and/or legal guardian(s) will reimburse the Releasee for any money which they have paid to the participant, or on his behalf, and hold them harmless.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
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